These pen plotter works are created with the AxiDraw A3 using creative coding, transitioning digital pieces into tangible. Each artwork is a collaboration between artist and machine, embracing the unpredictability and errors of the plotting process. These “mistakes” are integral to the artwork, enriching the creative journey and blending human intention with machine precision.

Focusing on textural studies, we use simple shapes like lines and their proximity to each other to create dynamic, almost three-dimensional textures on a two-dimensional surface. This highlights the beauty of working with a machine, fostering a shared rhythm between artist and device, and finding harmony in both error and precision.
By integrating plotting errors, we explore the balance between control and serendipity, making each piece a collaboration between human creativity and mechanical execution. The resulting textures are rich and varied, offering a visual and tactile experience that resonates with nature’s organic complexity.
This creative process challenges expectations and deepens our engagement with creation, making each artwork a unique narrative of collaboration, chance, and creative approach.

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